Bioplastic examples.

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Bioplastic examples

In this section you will find examples of bioplastics made by our customers. By showcasing these projects we can show you how much is possible with bioplastics. Hopefully these projects inspire you to do something similar.




UV printed and lasercut vibers white P.O.S. examples

Vibers white for P.O.S. applications: Our vibers white sheets are easy to print with silkscreen or direct onto the sheets with UV printers. The sheets are easy to mill or lasercut and can be bended to fit on shelfs or displays.

Terranyl puzzels

Vibers white and terranyl applications: Puzzles One of our customers Verhoef Puzzles and print in Veldhoven are making the transition towards more sustainable materials for their puzzles. The last year the first puzzles in Terranyl were produced. Both terranyl and vibers are good subsititutes for the use of polystyrene in puzzles. The sheets where printed and lasercut into puzzles. These bioplastics don’t leave microplastics in our environment. They can be recycled or composted after their product life time cycle.

UV printed with Fujifilm inkts on Viber sheets
